Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Santa Session - Why choose a photographer over the Mall

Photos with Santa are a magical experience for kids.  Santa mini sessions with KRP Photography and Santa Rock of DE are a one of a kind experience and make memories that will last a lifetime.

So why choose a professional photographer over the mall for your Santa photos.

Mall                                                      VS                   Custome Photo Session                            
-You are rushed with Santa                                        - You have 30 minutes of one on one time
- You only get 1 pose option for prints                     - You get multiple poses
- Only get to sit on Santas lap                                   - You get to walk and play with Santa
- Have to wait in long lines                                        - No line to wait in you book the time you want
- Cant do pets & kids together                                  - Pets are welcome, Families too, not just kids
- Different Santa each location/year                          - We use the same awesome Santa each year

Session Tips:

1.  Trust the Pros - Santa is a pro and has been taking photos with kids for years!  Trust Santa to
      bring out the smiles from them.  Dont stress about it before your session, your child can sense
      that and could become scared of Santa.

2.  Read Santa Books - If your little one has stranger anxiety, start reading Santa books a few days
      before the visit.  Build up the excitement and get your little one used to Santa

3.  Prevent the figits - Dont dress your kids in something uncomfortable.  While cute outfits make
     great photos, you dont want it to stop the smiles.  Find a mix of adorable and comfortable.

4.  Stage the Set with Positivity - Try not to say "Dont be afraid" or "Santa isnt going to hurt you."  
     Again let Santa do the warm up work.  Private sessions means we have time.  Santa will work
     with your child to eliminate the fear.

5.  Embrace the tears - There will be many years of Santa visits when your child is overjoyed at
     meeting him.  If you child is little and starts to cry - enjoy it.  The most memorable visits are the
     photos with the giant screams.  If it is you this year, enjoy... it will most likely only be once.

The Holidys are quickly approaching.

There is still time to book a Santa Mini Session with KRP Photography and Santa Rocks of DE.

Santa Session:  $95
Included 30 minutes Session
CD of Images with Print Release
Location - Carousel Farms

If you would like to book a session or have any questions please email or call KRP Photography.

Thank you.

Monday, October 13, 2014

New Pricing

We have moved in a new direction with our pricing.  We are now offering digital image packages.  We still offer prints but our pricing will be mainly for digital packages.  So here is our new pricing!!!

Photographs last a lifetime and professional photography is an investment in your family’s memories. Your professional photographer will capture memories that you will cherish forever, long after the moment has passed.

Portrait Sessions:

(Families, Maternity, Engagements, & Other)

Package #1:   $249

Up to 60 Minute Session

5 Digital Images with Print Release


Package #2:   $329

Up to 60 Minute Session

10 Digital Images with Print Release


Package #3:   $399

Up to 60 Minute Session

All Digital Images with Print Release


Newborn Sessions:


Package #1:   $499

Up to 60 Minute Session

All Digital Images with Print Release

(10 - 15 Images)


Package #2:   $599

1-3 Hour Session

8x8 Brag Book (10 images, 1 per page)

All Digital Images with Print Release

(20+ Images)
$100 retainer required to book any session

Friday, August 8, 2014

Rock the Shot Entry

So I am submitting this for the contest themed "dance".  This shot almost didn't make it.  I didn't care for it at first then played a little and turned black and white and now its a favorite among many.


Monday, July 28, 2014

Ballerina at a Prison

This lovely ballerina was willing to go to Eastern State Penn in Philadelphia, PA to take some photos.  What a fabulous contrast between the beautiful ballerina and the crumbling prison. 

Beautifyl Backyard Wedding

This beautiful loving couple has a fabulous wedding.  Thankfully the weather held out for us and the rain quit before the ceremony.

Cuddly Chubby Cheeks

This beautiful 4 day old princess had the most adorable chubby cheeks.  I just wanted to squeeze them the whole time.

Mowhawks, Tattoos and Graffiti

This beautiful lady has a lot of character.  She was a blast to photography at a fun funky location.  Love that I get to meet so many fun new people who turn into great friends with my photography.

Santa Saturday 2014

Who wants to go to the mall and stand in line to see Santa just to be rushed out quickly.  Well with our custom personalized Santa session we feature Santa Rock of Delaware and you have 20-30 minutes to spend with Santa, 1 on 1, no rushing!  Be sure to book early as spaces are limited.

Any other date there will be an additional $20 fee.

Fall Mini Session

Be sure to book early as the spaces are limited!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Introducting Uniquely You Sessions by KRP Photography

Unique - being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
Synonyms - distinctive, individual, special

These are stylized session focused on what makes you, you.  That thing that people think about, relate to you and makes you feel great about yourself and beautiful.  Think about what you love to do, watch, read, place to be, etc.  That is what your session will focus around.

This is a great way to document who you are at that moment in your life for future generations.  Everyone deserves a photo of themselves that represents who they are and that they love and will be happy to share and look back on for years to come.  Exist in photographs for your family!  These sessions are not just for women, anyone can have them, men, kids, tweens, etc.


Level 1:   $249                            Level 2:   $299                       Level 3:   $349
4x6 spiral bound album              5x7 spiral bound album         5x7 spiral bound album
       of images                                    of images                               of images
2 - 8x10s                                     2 - 8x10s                                2 - 8x10s
                                                    2 - Digital files with              All digital files with
                                                         print release                           print release

Hair & Makeup Artist is available also - Prices starting at $99

Payment plans available.

Contact me today to book your session.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Photography 101/Natural Light Workshop

I am super excited to be able to offer an instructional workshop to all my fans.  I hope you sign up to help improve your everyday photography!

Workshop to be held on 5/3/14 10a-12p at Banning Park Newport, DE

This workshop is aimed at the beginner to intermediate photographer that is looking to be able to consistently produce great images.

We will be going over 3 major areas of photography, Exposure, White Balance and Composition.  When the 3 areas are mastered it paves the way for you to
focus on being creative and making high quality images.

This is going to be a fun and hands on workshop.  You will be shooting as we go over each area.

Special Bonus:  Lunch will be provide by competition BBQ team Bang Bang BBQ at noon

Willingness and eagerness to learn and have fun
Camera - any will do, DSLR NOT required (dont be shy, bring what you have and we will help you learn on it)
Workshop Handbook - I will bring for each enrolled

To Register:
Email or Call me and I will send you a Registration Form to complete and Payments can be made via CC or (link to square site)
Limited to 10 Participants
Register by 4/5/14 - $99
Register by 4/19/14 - $129
Register 4/20/14 or later - $149

Any Questions or concerns please contact me. 
Kim Przybylski
KRP Photography

Monday, March 3, 2014

March Casting Call

WOW it is March already, where is the time going.  Well the weather didn't cooperate for February's casting call so moving on and we will come back to those at a later date.


 KRP Photography is currently seeking models for the following types of photo shoots.  These are very specific and all criteria must be met to quality.  The participant will receive digital files with a print release at no cost in exchange for participating.  Participants are required to sign a model release for the images so KRP Photography can use them for internet, media and print advertising.  Interested applicants should email KRP Photography at krpphotography@comcast.net with the words "Casting Call Response" in the subject line.  Spaces are very limited and will be filled on first come first serve basis for those who meet all criteria.

This month I am looking for models for 5 sessions:

1.  I would like to do 5 sessions that are "Uniquely You".  Do you have something that you do or love that is uniquely you, that when people think of you that is what they see?  Email me with what is uniquely you and we will work on a shoot.  The first 5 to respond will get these sessions!

My friend LOVES books and reading so to capture that we did a session in the bookstore:

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.  If you are interested in either of these sessions please email me today so we can set up a time!

Stay tuned for next months session ideas!!!

Snow Flakes

Have you ever saw a snow flake up close?  I have wanted to take macro photos of snow flakes for a long time.  This year I finally got the equipment needed to do so.  Hope you enjoy

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

My birthday is Wednesday 2/26/14 so I’d like to give you a gift as you help me fill up my calendar! It’s a win-win !!

I will be offering Pre-Purchases of a CD of Images with Print Release for only $99!!!!! That’s a crazy steal(Reg price $299). You are free to book a session anytime this year(2014)  and use the pre-purchased CD– plan in advance for your upcoming baby or your high school senior or your family pictures for 2014!

**I will also be entering all that pre-purchase a CD into a drawing for a FREE portrait session!!!  So if you win you would get a session and CD of images for only $99!!! (regularly $349)

This booking special will only be on my birthday, 2/26/14. You can email, facebook, or call me anytime starting at 12:01 am 2/26/14 until 11:59 pm 2/26/14!!!



Fine print: $99 pre-purchased CD fee must be paid on 2/26/14 to secure this price via Credit Card or I can invoice you to pay online.  Scheduled sessions can be anytime during the year 2014 and you can schedule at a later date. Cannot be combined with any other offers, specials or previous winnings. Locations for sessions to be determined by KRP Photography and client at time of booking, locations are limited.  For any other questions please contact me prior to purchase. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Daddy & Me

Love that this session was all my husbands idea and vision.  Glad I could capture it for him.  This year my son has really taken an interest in hunting and it was great to document it.  Love these photos and they mean a lot to our family.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Because You were there too!!!

Everyone knows how important it is to document life, capture memories for our families because the years are fleeting.  You need to be in the pictures as well.

So you don't like you photo taken?  Neither do I!!!  Get over it! Get dolled up so you feel great, it will help you want to get in front of the camera.  No matter what you look like your kids wont care.  They just want to know who you were, what you like and what you looked like at 20, 25, 30, 30, 50 and on.  Also they want to see you interacting with them in photos.  Do it before its too late, time is not guaranteed.  Photo's remind us of loved ones once they are no longer with us and of those great times we once had.

Need ideas how to take self portraits?  Here are some tips.

1.  Use a Tripod
     Not necessary item, but definitely makes it easier.

2.  Choose your setting, then your settings
     Prep the area you will be shooting.  Be sure it is not cluttered.  Pay attention to the light and
     cameras vantage point.  Set your aperture, ISO, Shutter & White Balance.

3.  Pre Focus
     Very Important step.  Have someone or something in frame where you will be, set focus, change
      to Manual Focus to lock the focus.  The Shoot

4.  Close Down
     Use a smaller aperture then you normally would if were behind the camera.  This will help ensure
     everyone is in focus.  (5.6 is a good starting point)

5.  Use a Remote &/or the timer
     This will allow you to sit relaxed and get the shots you want.  An there's no running to beat the
      shutter!  Take series of photos to show interactions.

6.  Don't Always be Serious
    Have fun! Make faces, let kids pose/come up with ideas, try new things.  Just be sure to have fun!

They don't even have to be elaborate photos.  Use a point and shoot or cell phone and do the whole arm extended group shot.  As long as you are together in the photo that's what matters!  So get out there take some photos and enjoy making memories. 

Another option is to hire your favorite photographer and have them do the work for you and then you can just enjoy the process and end results!!!