Monday, April 13, 2015

What to Wear for a Photo Session

The age old question "What should I wear for my photo session".  Everyone asks it and everyone stresses over it.  In this post I am going to give you some Do's and some Don't for what to wear for your upcoming photo sessions


1.  Coordinate but don't match - Choose a basic color palette and have everyone choose different tonal ranges in that palette.  You can have one person that stands out with a patter in their outfit.  The rest of the groups outfits can be based around that outfit including accessories, but everyone else should be more neutral.  Patterns are good in moderation.

2.  Accessorize - Scarves, hats, flowers in the hair for girls, jewelry, sweaters, vests, jackets, etc.  These can all take a so-so image and make it feel polished.  Don't let the items overwhelm the subject or the photos though. 

3.  Shoe - Yes they do matter!  Shoes can make or break an outfit.  Sneakers should be avoided unless they truly compliment the outfit.

4.  Where will you be hanging your photos?  Be sure to take into consideration where you want to hang your photos.  You don't want to wear colors that will not go with the room you plan to put the images in.  

5.  Be comfortable - It is very important to feel good in your clothes and be able to move in them.  Also think about the location you will having your session, you don't want to dress formal for an outdoor natural light session.  Dress to go with your session location and to compliment that location.


1.  Avoid logos, graphics, characters, labels, etc.  They are distracting and usually do not photograph well.  There are instances where this rule can be broken as long as it fits the theme of the session.

2.  Don't get a haircut right before a session.  Try to go at least a week before so it has a little time to grow out to look natural.

3.  Don't all wear the same color, that is boring and dates a photo.  And please do not put everyone in khaki pants, or all in denim and all in white or black shirts.  Coordinate don't match!

4.  Try to avoid obvious trends that will be dated soon.  You can do fashion forward while still being timeless.

Hope these tips help you find the perfect outfit for your session!

100 days of Project 365

So I decided in 2015 I was going to do a Project 365.  What is that you ask, it is where I challenge myself to take a photo a day for 365 days.  I have had some ups and downs, some greats and not so greats.  But here are a few of my favorites so far.

Country Girl in Bloom

I am so glad my friends are always up for an impromptu photo session with me.  We decided to do a soft, spring, girly, country session the other day and I absolutely LOVE the way these came out!  Can not wait to do more sessions that look like this.

True Love

I have to say this was one of the most fun sessions I have had in a while.  We laughed so much and so loud we could be heard across the park we were at.  This couple is so in love and have a great sense of humor.  Cant wait to do their family portraits!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lovey Dovey

So I decided I wanted to tweak my shooting style a little.  I want more emotion out of my session.  So of course I needed someone to help me practice and get what I wanted.  So I called up some friends of mine.  When I explained what I wanted and showed them my ideas I said bring your "lovey dovey" faces.  Well that caused lots of laughter and believe it or not I got those lovey dovey faces, even though they swore they didn't do lovey dovey faces.  Thanks again so much Meg and Ferg for letting me practice on you guys.  I loved how the images turned out!

Here are a few favs: