Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Because you were there too!!!

Everyone knows how important it is to document life, capture memories for our families because the years are fleeting.  You need to be in the pictures as well.

So you don't like you photo taken?  Neither do I!!!  Get over it! Get dolled up so you feel great, it will help you want to get in front of the camera.  No matter what you look like your kids wont care.  They just want to know who you were, what you like and what you looked like at 20, 25, 30, 30, 50 and on.  Also they want to see you interacting with them in photos.  Do it before its too late, time is not guaranteed.  Photo's remind us of loved ones once they are no longer with us and of those great times we once had.

Need ideas how to take self portraits?  Here are some tips.

1.  Use a Tripod
     Not necessary item, but definitely makes it easier.

2.  Choose your setting, then your settings
     Prep the area you will be shooting.  Be sure it is not cluttered.  Pay attention to the light and
     cameras vantage point.  Set your aperture, ISO, Shutter & White Balance.

3.  Pre Focus
     Very Important step.  Have someone or something in frame where you will be, set focus, change
      to Manual Focus to lock the focus.  The Shoot

4.  Close Down
     Use a smaller aperture then you normally would if were behind the camera.  This will help ensure
     everyone is in focus.  (5.6 is a good starting point)

5.  Use a Remote &/or the timer
     This will allow you to sit relaxed and get the shots you want.  An there's no running to beat the
      shutter!  Take series of photos to show interactions.

6.  Don't Always be Serious
    Have fun! Make faces, let kids pose/come up with ideas, try new things.  Just be sure to have fun!

They don't even have to be elaborate photos.  Use a point and shoot or cell phone and do the whole arm extended group shot.  As long as you are together in the photo that's what matters!  So get out there take some photos and enjoy making memories. 

Another option is to hire your favorite photographer and have them do the work for you and then you can just enjoy the process and end results!!!

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